Day one of the 30 day Qigong challenge…Food Qi Stagnation (good for weight loss and digestion)

It's official, I've made the first qigong video!

It’s official, I’ve made the first qigong video!

Ok, I have three takers (I know I said 5 but I was going to do this irregardless), so here’s my first instructional qigong video.  One thing I forgot to mention on the video, you should touch the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth just behind your teeth.  You should do this for the duration of all the movements.  I was also told, during one of my first classes to also slightly squeeze my anal sphincter (internally, just to clarify) as well but when I brought up concerns of pains I was having (perhaps from squeezing too much?) to my teacher he never mentioned that part again so I’m not sure how important that part is (it’s supposed to create some sort of a connection from your tongue to the roof of your mouth down to your perineum).  If you choose to do this, do so with caution:)

The muscles of the female perineum.  Do yourselves a favor and do not google search "perineum" images.  I know this is very similar to telling you not to think about an elephant but don't say I didn't warn you.

The muscles of the female perineum. I had to look this up after my first class just to clarify exactly what/where the perineum was.  Do yourselves a favor and do not google search “perineum” images. I know this is very similar to telling you not to think about an elephant but don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Please give feedback on how the experience was for you and what you felt.  It is likely you will feel very little the first few times but as your qi (pronounced “chi) builds you will begin to feel more and more and begin to see the benefits of qigong.

I had to divide the video into two parts (I am new to this and didn’t realize youtube would only allow me to post up to 15 minutes).  The first part is the bulk of the practice.  The second video is just a little exercise to try to feel the energy you have created.

Enjoy! And don’t forget to ask questions if you are confused or want to request to learn something to target a specific problem area for you.

This exercise is good for “food qi stagnation”.  It is best to be done 5-10 minutes after eating to help digestion.  I do it anytime though, especially before I go to bed.  It’s a great exercise that accesses all your meridians.

Day one of 30 day qigong challenge Part I:

Part II (short clip, an exercise on feeling the energy you’ve generated):

One thought on “Day one of the 30 day Qigong challenge…Food Qi Stagnation (good for weight loss and digestion)

  1. I just discovered your website and am enjoying your writing and videos so much. I am a qigong teacher in Alameda, CA and for the past several years have been working with improving my digestion (I had IBS with constipation, belching, bloating and abdominal pains) through acupuncture, herbs, cleanses and qigong. I have been having great success. Hooray for regular elimination!!! I wonder if you would tell me the name of your qigong teacher as well as your herbalist in San Jose? I am curious.

    I am wishing you very well on your healing journey.

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